Category: Blog

Preston Springs Hotel

Since ancient Roman times, people have been enjoying the benefits of sulphur springs-bathing in the warm healing waters to cure any number of ailments from rheumatism to dermatological conditions. The thermal trend had been popular in various European cities for centuries, and with a rise in the middle class and travel for touristic purposes, the […]

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Go with the flow….Registers and Grilles

A source of confusion to many new buyers of Victorian homes is the difference between a register and a grille. Often the terms become interchangeable along with grates, air returns or covers. However there is a distinct difference of form and function between the two.
Registers are louvered to let air flow into a room (either hot or cold). Cold air registers are usually located on walls and ceilings while hot air registers are located on the floor as heat rises. A typical Victorian or early 20th century house in Ontario would consist of many registers but usually only one return per floor.

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Contact Photography May 2010

It’s that time again for the Contact Photography Festival May 2010. Here’s what we are featuring:

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Around the World in 500 Years

An exhibition and sale of antique maps presented by Webster’s Fine Books & Maps spanning five centuries. The oldest map dates from 1493- just a year after Columbus’ famous voyage to the New World! A fascinating look at world travel through the art of cartography. On display from October 30th to mid December at

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The Work of David Disher

The work of David Disher is now being exhibited at Post + Beam Reclamation Ltd. 2869 Dundas Street West in the Junction. David’s work reflects his years of experience as an antiques dealer and shows an expression of tenderness and tranquility. His unpretentious depictions of decorative objects in familiar settings replicates his own unassuming persona…

“I paint because I like to paint and hope you like my paintings”.

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Breaking through the tin ceiling

Tin ceilings were all the rage in the late Victorian age. Toronto was no exception, and tin ceilings could be found in some of the more upscale residences and commercial enterprises. One of the more impressive ceilings was at the “Lakeview Hotel” in Cabbagetown (now the “Winchester Hotel”). It was featured in a trade catalogue for the “Metallic Roofing Company of Canada” which supplied metal plates, borders and cornices.

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Knock Knock Who’s there?

Dating back to ancient Greek times, the door knocker has evolved from the simply functional to the highly ornate and often whimsical level.

Some of the earliest English and Continental knockers were made of forged iron-a material that was relatively inexpensive and durable.

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